For many years, Trajectoires has taken interest in the experiences of unaccompanied minors and has directed multiple works to shed light on their situations in France.

Trajectoires’ approach aims to better understand the groups and dynamics at work, as well as the local institutional and organizational context in order to prioritize the coordination of child protection services and justice system actors in order to guarantee a better protection for these minors.
Furthermore, a number of European countries observe the same phenomena and occasionally work with the same young people, when they are particularly mobile. It is suitable, then, to adopt a European approach and to prioritize sharing information and cooperation between involved countries.

As part of a national research project financed by the Porticus Foundation, Trajectoires conducted local diagnosis studies in multiple French cities in order to identify the influence phenomena involved for migrant people (both victims and culprits). These diagnoses were notable in shedding light on the situations of young people experiencing homelessness in Paris, Lyon, Nantes, and Bordeaux. The vulnerability of these groups and their specific situations makes their access to services complex and calls into question the existing structures in terms of their inadaptability to the needs and desires of these young people.

Trajectoires conducted other studies, financed by Caritas, Paris City Hall, and UNICEF, on the situations of unaccompanied Guinean and Moroccan minors located in the Goutte d’Or neighborhood of Paris, as well as the situation of unaccompanied minors in the Jungle of Calais. Selected Publications in French: - En quête de protection :

Etude menée auprès des MNA détenus à la prison de Fleury-Mérogis.
Conférence en ligne d’Olivier Peyroux organisée par Forum Réfugiés – 1er juillet 2020
« Comprendre la migration guinéenne »

Interview of Alexandre Le Clève by Brut. – 18 May 2018 article in French« Qui sont ces "jeunes Marocains" livrés à eux-mêmes dans des rues de Paris ? »
Alexandre Le Clève speaks at the Médecins du Monde Science Day – May 2019
« Ni Sains, Ni Saufs » sur les enfants non accompagnés dans le Nord de la France »