Our values

Trajectoires prioritizes a concrete, fieldwork approach based on detailed knowledge of communities and issues.

Our ethic is structured around:

The number one priority is respect for the person involved

The profound belief that inclusion and access to rights for all is possible, even for the most vulnerable and most alienated from their service systems and their rights

The principle of individualized solutions for service access. Too often, considered as homogeneous groups with identical characteristics, at risk youth and families experiencing homelessness have different paths, stories, and challenges that are extremely diverse and therefore they cannot have a standardized response

Neutrality of the organization with respect to all other actors: institutions, governments, nonprofit organizations, representative groups, law enforcement, judicial system, forming a network where each plays a key role in the pathways of community members. Trajectoires promotes the consultation and coordination between all actors.

Additionally, we are convinced that the understanding of individuals and families requires a detailed understanding of history, countries of origin, culture, lifestyle, and values of the people and families. This is why members of the team speak the different languages and regularly call on professionals from the countries of origin who speak the language of the people involved. Furthermore, Trajectoires’ team cultivates a profound understanding of the social, economic, and political situations of implicated countries.